Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Okay - I'm now torn. I, in a moment of weakness, placed an order with Amazon last week. No, I didn't order Harry Potter. I ordered a couple of books - one The Harlequin by Laurel K. Hamilton. And all I want to do is read. I admit - it's 9:00 pm and I just finished my workday (yes, it started at 7:00 am and there was 2 hrs of commuting in there too) but hey - I'm done. So now what....knit.....read....knit.....read. If all decisions were so difficult.

I'll probably put a movie in the DVD player (since TV is just not cutting it tonight) knit for a while and read before I go to bed.

Well - everyone (assuming anyone is reading this!) have a great evening. I'm off to non-computer related activities!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Bright spot

Knitting was accomplished this week! It wasn't as bad as I thought....I finished turning my heel on my July socks and started on an EZ baby surprise sweater for a friend of mine who is due in October. I have a sneaking suspicion that the shower is coming up in the next couple of weeks....good news is it's a quick knit and I bought the buttons when I bought the yarn.

This week is shaping up nicely. Yesterday after many hours of cleaning we are now able to walk through the house with minimal walking over things. Except for around the mound of teenager "stuff" that is still in the living room. He's getting the you clean it or I will tonight with a tomorrow deadline.

Well, no pics of knitting yet.....we just found the camera (or should I say DS just found it). The bunny baby booties have gone to their new home, but I need a second pair so hopefully I can get a pic of them.

Proofs from DS senior pics are available here - http://orserstudio.com/seniors2008/adamhopkins1617/ Votes are in - he's a cutie (if I do say so myself)

There's also been a hardware disaster since last week. We've lost the wireless router.....so I'm sitting here with a laptop hardwired to the modem. On a very hard dining room chair.

Things left to do tonight - 2 letters to knitterly pen pals....ironing (yick), dinner (DS is grilling), more tweaks to furniture in my bedroom - yes, almost done after 3 months! The painting is done, the stash is organized and now it's just the last putting the pieces back!

Hope everyone enjoys their week!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Have I mentioned......

that my job seriously gets in my way? I mean. It's 7:30 pm. I have several hours of work to complete to be just behind instead of pathetically buried. I was in the office, on a conference call at 7am this morning (as I will be for the next SEVERAL weeks). I worked 15 hours over the weekend.

So here I sit on my lovely couch with a crabby teenager (girl trouble) upstairs waiting for dinner to be ready looking at my socks. I have May Day socks. I have the lovely green ones below all needing good photos. Oh - and the bunny baby booties. Then there's the serpentine cable July socks. The first one just about has the heel turned.....not gonna get that done tonight - or anytime this week I suppose. Mothers shouldn't let their babies grow up to e software test specialists. Did I mention my lace tank that the back is half finished? Sniff.

So, hi ho, hi ho it's off to work I go....so maybe I can squeeze in some knitting later!!!!

Friday, July 6, 2007

Ahhh, my June socks are done for the Sockmania KAL. Additionally, because I started these socks on June 24 - the also count for Summer of Socks! Two for one! Wahoo!

Here's the pic -

Photo quality - poor. Sorry. Camera phone. Milk crate - well after the water in my basement, let's leave it at my basement is still living in my living room.....and since it's 12:30 at night, really it was the best I could do.

Fiber is Lang Jawoll superwash in a color I'm calling celery. Unfortunately the label doesn't identify it.

Took DS for his senior pictures today. That was an experience. The first of his senior year. Kind of freaky for the mom. He's a cute kid. The photographer did an amazing job with him.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Mostly dry.....

And the report from the front.......we're pretty much as dry as we're going to get I think. There's one patch of mud under the stairs and it's in a place we really can't get to so I'm thinking it's time to put the panel back up. Close off that area and call it good.

The part of that which worries me is the sand outside. It's been a week. I would expect it was fairly dry outside. Not so much. It's still very damp. Like the waves just washed out on the beach damp. Think foot prints in the sand damp. It worries me a little.

Washer - an F11 error. Dryer - smells like it's burning. Freezer - chugging along like a trooper. Furnace - well, we need to turn it on and see. I fear this activity.

Summer of Socks update - I turned the heel on my first sock of the KAL! Yippee! That means sock 1 is half done. And since I am able to work from home this week - there's hope! I may actually get these socks done for Sockmania and also for Summer of Socks!

Last night DS and I assembled our new grill and cooked hamburgers on it. Pretty exciting. We both recognize we have a ways to go before we can consider ourselves "capable" at grilling. But we're working on it! Pork chops tonight!

Hope everyone is doing well!