Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Have I mentioned......

that my job seriously gets in my way? I mean. It's 7:30 pm. I have several hours of work to complete to be just behind instead of pathetically buried. I was in the office, on a conference call at 7am this morning (as I will be for the next SEVERAL weeks). I worked 15 hours over the weekend.

So here I sit on my lovely couch with a crabby teenager (girl trouble) upstairs waiting for dinner to be ready looking at my socks. I have May Day socks. I have the lovely green ones below all needing good photos. Oh - and the bunny baby booties. Then there's the serpentine cable July socks. The first one just about has the heel turned.....not gonna get that done tonight - or anytime this week I suppose. Mothers shouldn't let their babies grow up to e software test specialists. Did I mention my lace tank that the back is half finished? Sniff.

So, hi ho, hi ho it's off to work I go....so maybe I can squeeze in some knitting later!!!!

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