Sunday, July 22, 2007

Bright spot

Knitting was accomplished this week! It wasn't as bad as I thought....I finished turning my heel on my July socks and started on an EZ baby surprise sweater for a friend of mine who is due in October. I have a sneaking suspicion that the shower is coming up in the next couple of weeks....good news is it's a quick knit and I bought the buttons when I bought the yarn.

This week is shaping up nicely. Yesterday after many hours of cleaning we are now able to walk through the house with minimal walking over things. Except for around the mound of teenager "stuff" that is still in the living room. He's getting the you clean it or I will tonight with a tomorrow deadline.

Well, no pics of knitting yet.....we just found the camera (or should I say DS just found it). The bunny baby booties have gone to their new home, but I need a second pair so hopefully I can get a pic of them.

Proofs from DS senior pics are available here - Votes are in - he's a cutie (if I do say so myself)

There's also been a hardware disaster since last week. We've lost the wireless I'm sitting here with a laptop hardwired to the modem. On a very hard dining room chair.

Things left to do tonight - 2 letters to knitterly pen pals....ironing (yick), dinner (DS is grilling), more tweaks to furniture in my bedroom - yes, almost done after 3 months! The painting is done, the stash is organized and now it's just the last putting the pieces back!

Hope everyone enjoys their week!

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